On February 1, 2016, Poker1.com entered a significant new phase of development. The previous phase was 2a. For Phase 2b, I’ve announced an emphasis on new content, plus some moderate modifications to design and functionality.
As a first step, main menu access to the Life, Links, News, and Poker pages has been eliminated. Since poker and life are the essence of Poker1 itself, I decided that these pages weren’t needed. You can find everything that was there by using the easy navigation provided, such as the Poker1 library on the left sidebar or the Index (remaining in the main menu).
The links page was also removed from the main menu, but other easy access will be provided during Phase 2b development. The News link is also gone. News was really just a page where I had shared whatever I had found interesting during my daily research. It was mostly non-poker. I expect to eventually bring this back in some form — perhaps by including it in the home page offerings.
New content
The main menu Talk link remains. That will be our new discussion forum and will be implemented during Phase 2b. At the beginning of this new phase, it wasn’t active. Announcements will be made when it’s available. Additionally, the Predict link remains. That’s where I intend to provide the latest Mike Caro Brain Trust odds on current events and politics. That process will start early in Phase 2b.
Mostly, you’re about to see a lot of new content. Thanks for visiting me at Poker1. — MC